SSL Certificates

Why All Websites Should Use SSL Certificates According to Technology Experts!

Wonder what you can do in order to make your website more secure? The answer lies in SSL certificates! An SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate is a small data file that creates an encrypted channel between a server and a browser. Next time you type in a web address, note the “s” at the end of “HTTPS://.”  That added “s” means the web address is secured through SSL. An SSL certificate ensures the connection between the web server and browser is secure and private. Since security is essential for keeping your website safe, SSL certificates are crucial! Now that we understand SSL basics let’s explore the top 5 reasons to use them!

5 Key Benefits of SSL Certificates:

1. Data Protection

The first benefit of using SSL is something we touched upon above…security! By utilizing an SSL certificate, you’re keeping sensitive information, like passwords and credit card numbers, safe. The only browser or server that has access to protected data is the intended recipient. Additionally, your encrypted information becomes shielded from nefarious hackers. 

2. Identity Verification

Verifying your identity to websites helps confirm that who you say that you are, is who you truly are. Before using an SSL certificate, you first need to go through a verification set up by Certificate Authority (CA). This process confirms your identity and the legitimacy of your company/business. Once all this information is validated, then your website will gain trust amongst web users. Not to mention, it prevents anyone from creating a fraudulent version of your site, which can trick users into giving out their personal information.

3. Higher Google Rank

How you rank on Google can directly affect the number of people clicking on your website and influence overall trust in your company. Bottom line, the higher you rank on Google, the more likely you are to be seen by your target audience. A recent study shows a strong tie between websites using “HTTPS” and better rankings on sites like Google and Bing.

4. PCI/DSS requirements

If your company or organization takes payments over the internet, your site must be PCI compliant. Within those PCI requirements is the mandatory step of making your website secure using SSL. So if you plan on processing transactions online now or in the future, an SSL certificate is an absolute necessity.

5. Trusted Site

The primary way to tell whether a website is secure is to look in the search bar’s left corner. If the site has an SSL certificate, a padlock icon will be visible, indicating that the connection is secure. If the site isn’t safe, a web browser like Google Chrome will display an alert that says “not secure.” Since even casual web users can tell which sites are secure, it’s becoming increasingly important that all websites have safety measures in place.

Need help creating a more secure website? Binary Net is here to help you get started!

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